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How was It born?

"Universal history is between dawn and dusk". Louis Borges has defined with dazzling poetic intuition the miracle of history, with an infinite love for becoming as perennial light, soft or sunny, in which dramatic areas of shadow are not lacking, non-existent without the light that discovers them, exposing them in the their unspeakable hardness.
The story is not hidden in the nocturnal darkness of unknown time, but everything is understandable because it happened and as such it can be grasped and knowable, similar to the light of any day in the universe.
Time is born with man because the need to exist is the measure of time, an Indo-European word with a significant etymology: to cut with the original sense of dividing. The need to tune the rhythm of human activities to a natural metronome that marked the flow of time, led our most distant ancestors to raise their eyes in the direction of a majestic backdrop, on which a dusting of lights showed silent movements of extraordinary regularity: the sky. The shine of the sun has a natural consequence: the shadow. The long shadow of the morning, gradually shorter at noon and again longer until the sun goes out behind the horizon. The shadow is therefore the measure of time, not subjective, unconventional of a mechanical watch, of a time zone, or of daylight saving time, but natural. True. The only case in which light and shadow are not in cultural, symbolic, allegorical, mythological and rhetorical antinomy. We could say the shadow of the light, or the light of the shadow. The shadow of a more marked meaning in the light and vice versa, without contrast, but united in an inseparable explanatory relationship that strengthens them. Millennia before Galileo Galilei's telescope, man had been able to identify various periodicities in the celestial motions, from the succession of day and night to the cycle of the lunar phases, from the annual change of the position of the sun against the background of the stars to that of the planets. , from the intervals of eclipses to the very long interval of time required for the Earth to complete its precession motion. These periodicities were used to structure the different time spans in which our existence unfolds: days, weeks, months and years. The sky thus became the clock and also the calendar of humanity, and soon it would also become its compass. In more recent times, man has been able to identify precise mathematical laws in the regular and harmonious celestial motions and has been able to trace in the skies a complex geometric building that harnesses the unattainable celestial elegance in the ideal materiality of simple planes and circumferences.
The sundial of Fizzanotti has its origins in a very distant past and although it was made with machinery of axceptional refinement and advanced technologies, it will still operate with principles and conditions of ancestral memory.
Fizzanotti takes his cue from the simplification of the armillary sphere to create his solar world clock. Made of steel, it comes from cutting with laser light. Visible or near-visible radiant light has created an object for light. The light for the light and for the shadow that testifies to its existence. The once static armils now take "life" and follow the latitudes of all places on Earth. Now time is no longer just the universal time of the sun, but follows the conventional hours of every nation, city or country in the world.
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